
Our application page will provide us with the kind of information we need to review your needs and deliver you with the details you will need. There, of course, is no obligation when you fill out the application - - it just outlines the information, which is necessary to provide you with the valuable information you need.

COST: Homestay experiences are affordable and an excellent alternative to the more expensive hotel, motel or apartment stays for a short period of time.

The total charges will normally range between $18 - $32 per day. Other factors that affect the rate include: the individual's school requirements, length of stay, location, and the accommodations, such as meals and room arrangement (single or shared).

Simply complete and submit your no-obligation application on-line, or send it to us via fax or email. We will reply promptly with an affordable option outlining, in detail, the cost factors and all pertinent the information you will need based on the school you will attend.

The fees for our services are dictated and controlled by each individual school and are already included in the monthly charges.